Garden Organic is the UK's leading organic growing charity and has been at the forefront of the organic horticulture movement for over 60 years. Since then we have been campaigning against the use of pesticides and herbicides and researching alternatives.
Garden Organic promotes organic gardening, focusing on the individual, communities & school gardens. Using innovative practices, the charity trains, inspires, and encourages people to grow organically, collaborating with others to achieve the greatest impact.
We combine our knowledge to use growing projects as a tool for community Engagement. We champion the positive impact food growing and community horticulture has on health and wellbeing. In particular, how they provide good exercise, stimulate healthier eating habits and provide a useful tool for community engagement, particularly in harder-to-reach communities where behavioural change is more of a challenge.
We campaign on a number of fronts, most recently these include:
• Calling for a ban on the use of Neonicotinoids
• Bringing an end to the use of peat in horticulture
• Lobbying the Government for a National Pollinators Action Plan
• Calling for amendments to the EU’s Plant Propagative Materials Directive to
protect biodiversity by allowing seed swaps & seed banks
• Raising awareness of the impact of Clopyralid & Aminopyralid Herbicides on vegetable crops
• GM Technology within ornamental and crop plants