Gana Unnayan Kendra (GUK), a community led non-government Organization is working with disadvantaged and marginalized people for 37 years with the purpose to establish a poverty free equitable society. Initially, the organization started its activities in the northern district Gaibandha and presently working in 13 districts covering nearly 200000 households across Rangpur, Rajshahi, Khulna and Chattogram divisions. Key focus areas of GUK are livelihood & food security, education & child protection, Disaster Risk Reduction & emergency response, climate change adaptation, safe migration, inclusive financing, women empowerment, human rights, good governance, skills development & job placement of youths, health, nutrition & WASH, disability inclusive development, agriculture & market linkage, research & policy influence etc. Different integrated programmes are taken by the organization to bring a sustainable improvement in the lives of disadvantaged poor people.
Organizational Division:
Social Development: The Organization carries out different development and humanitarian projects.
Microfinance and Economic Empowerment: GUK is operating Livelihood Microfinance Programme (LMP) for economic empowerment of disadvantaged people especially women through inclusive financing. It is the core programme of the Organization. It was initiated in line with other development projects with the aim of bringing sustainable development especially in the lives of women and disadvantaged population.
Social Business & Enterprises: GUK have social businesses for the better interest of poor people which are creating employment opportunities and market linkage to get fair price. These initiatives are also contributing in making social changes. Like, GUK Institute of Engineering and Technology (GUKIET); Super Tasty Food Products; Printers; Farm & Nursery; Poultry and Dairy Farm; Diagnostic & Physiotherapy Centre; K De-addiction and Rehabilitation centre; GUK Media.