GammaDonna is a non-profit Association whose purpose is tackling the issue of gender unbalance in Italy as a significant opportunity to increase GNP, as well as the quality of life in the workplace.
It was founded in 2004 with the aim of enhancing the entrepreneurial initiative of women and young people, their ability to face change and innovate, overcoming difficulties and obstacles.
GammaDonna works for the Country’s cultural change by scouting and promoting innovative entrepreneurial initiatives and quickening networking among startups, entrepreneurs, investors, Big Corp and Institutions. It promotes a virtuous Community of innovation applied to business.
Besides acting as a platform for the development of innovative projects for gender [and generational] integration – GammaDonna acts also as an informal “observatory” and “listening hub” of the on-going socio-economic processes in Italy.
Its most relevant initiative is the GammaDonna’s Prize, which awards women entrepreneurs who successfully introduced change and innovation in their companies, with sustainable goals.