GRASP (Global Romanian Society of Young Professionals) is an open network of organisations and individuals committed to advancing Romania's development and modernisation through civic involvement and professionalism.
Vision: Our vision is a democratic, European, competitive and fair Romania which offers equal opportunities for all its citizens. It is an active and responsible player which brings added value to the international sphere.
Mission: We want to actively contribute to the constant modernization and democratization of Romania through civic involvement and professionalism.
Values: Professionalism, Integrity, Leadership, Innovation, Authenticity
What do we do?
1. We serve as a network for Romanian students and young professionals. Our members have the chance to build contacts and working relationships by attending our annual conference and collaborating on projects.
2. We carry out projects dedicated to using the talent and civic-mindedness of our members to promote Romania’s development in several key areas: democracy and participation; education and research; culture and arts; business and finance; public administration and public policy; international migration; Romania’s image abroad; Health; Environment; International cooperation and development. .