The Foundation's mission is to improve health and health care delivery. The Foundation for Healthy Communities is a partnership involving hospitals, physicians, health plans, home care agencies and other organizations concerned about improving health in New Hampshire. The Foundation's primary objectives are:
1. To collect, analyze, and evaluate data about health and about the delivery, quality, management and organization of health services;
2. To promote, sponsor and conduct applied research and scientific investigation relative to quality, health delivery process and improvement and health policy; and
3. To communicate information, sponsor education and training, and facilitate innovation and access for the improvement of health and the creation of healthy communities.
Non-profit Organizations
HQ Location
125 Airport Road
Concord, NH 03301, US
Data collectionData analysisData evaluationApplied researchScientific investigationHealth policy developmentEducation and trainingInnovation facilitationHealthcare quality improvement
Cultural EffectivenessNH Cancer CollaborativeHEAL NHNH CATCH Kids ClubRural Health QualityMedication BridgeHealth Access Network5-2-1-0End of Life CarePatient and Family Engagement