Fair Train is the national expert for all forms of work experience including work placements, internships, traineeships and apprenticeships. Fair Train provides support to both employers (looking to host placements) and providers (looking to place learners) on all forms of work experience.
Fair Train developed the national Work Experience Quality Standard in association with Ofsted, the Department for Education, and a range of employers and learning providers. The Work Experience Quality Standard provides a step by step guide for delivering a high quality work experience programme. It enables organisations to assess their existing provision against best practice or develop a new high quality programme. It also acts as a kite mark recognising exceptional work experience provision across all sectors.
Fair Train also coordinates national Work Experience Week. This is an annual campaign which engages millions of people in the power of high quality work experience. Fair Train works in partnership with organisations around the country to shine a light on best practice and raise awareness of how high quality work experience can chance lives.
For more information please visit our website: http://www.fairtrain.org/ or follow us @FairTrainOrg