FLARB is a full-service software development studio that is fanatically obsessed with cool stuff and how to make it.
FLARB creates next-level experiences on the most innovative tech around such as Apple Vision Pro, Oculus Quest, and Snap Lens Studio.
FLARB identifies which technologies pair best with your brand vision—and then delivers on that vision with technical precision.
FLARB isn’t an agency that will offer you a cheese plate and validate your parking in order to justify overcharging you by tens of thousands of dollars for your project. (You know it’ll just get billed to your account, anyway.)
FLARB isn’t an old-fashioned software development firm that claims to “get” virtual/augmented/mixed reality just to snag clients. (Those guys tend to panic and outsource your project to freelancers on Fiverr before going over schedule by six months.)