The Federation Against Software Theft, (FAST) was formed in 1984; it was the first organisation globally to champion the professional management of legitimate software and protect publishers’ rights. It aims to reduce, restrict and or lessen the incidence of unauthorised dealings in computer software.
Contact FAST for information and advice on software licensing, software asset management and protecting software assets.
FAST brands and groups:
In September 2008 the Federation Against Software Theft and Investors in Software joined forces to advocate distilled, simplified and unified messaging on software asset management (SAM) and software licence management (SLM) best practice. The strength of the two reputable brands encapsulates a holistic approach to driving the professional use of software across the industry and the globe.
FLAG is the Federation Against Software Theft’s Legal Advisory Group, established in 1987 shortly after FAST was founded, and consists of lawyers from many of the UK’s leading Intellectual Property practices. FLAG meets several times a year to receive presentations on pertinent topics and review legal developments affecting the software industry.