Every Dog Behavior and Training is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing accessible, inclusive dog training and behavior resources to the Austin community.
We know that dog training and behavior just hasn't been accessible to everyone in our community. Most professional training is expensive (and rightly so- it requires time and expertise). The field is unregulated, so there are unqualified and sometimes unethical trainers who will promise quick fixes and make things worse. Dog training can be inaccessible for people with disabilities or uninviting to the BIPOC community, and resources for Spanish speakers are highly limited. We knew that to really make dog training available to our whole community, we have to dig deep to find solutions to these challenges.
We hope that Every Dog will serve as a hub for dog training and behavior information in Austin. We look forward to providing classes from manners to dog sports, and offering webinars from local and national experts. We hope to use our future paid products to help make affordable and free options available to those who need it, and to work with community partners to provide behavior support to people who normally wouldn't reach out to a trainer. We're here to provide science-based, ethical resources for dog owners, and to be a trusted source for referrals and information. We will support local dog trainers who share our ethics in training, and help to amplify their efforts. We're here for you, Austin.