EverTrue’s software and data empower higher ed and independent school advancement teams to create personalized experiences for donors. Hundreds of teams use EverTrue’s network of social and demographic data sources and modern, mobile-first software to reach more donors and increase fundraising. In
October 2021, EverTrue merged with ThankView to form the leading donor engagement platform. ThankView is the most popular personalized video solution for education and nonprofit organizations, enabling them to steward and engage donors with 1:1 and 1:many videos. The joint company is backed by Rubicon Technology Partners and serves more than 1,700 nonprofit customers.
Visit http://www.evertrue.com and http://www.thankview.com for more information.
HQ Location
330 Congress Street
2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02210, US
Higher ed and independent school advancementDonor engagementPersonalized experiencesData-driven strategiesMobile-first software developmentNonprofit customer support
Software and data solutionsPersonalized donor experiencesNetwork of social and demographic data sourcesModern, mobile-first softwareDonor engagement platformPersonalized video solutionSteward and engage donors with 1:1 and 1:many videos
Mobile SolutionsFundraising SolutionsAdvancement SoftwareDonor Experience ProgramsDirect MailPersonalized VideoStewardshipEndowed Fund Management Software