The DNA of the brand ERIC GALLAIS is the search for the essence of the perfect handbag.
For 20 years, Eric Gallais has designed handbags and other accessories for the best brands and companies. For 10 years he worked directly with Yves Saint Laurent – in Haute Couture & Ready to wear - from whom he got the taste for well-made handcrafted products. He also collaborated with Tom Ford, Hedi Slimane and Stephano Pilati and was asked, among others, to make a lifting to the iconic “Amazona” handbag of Loewe. Eric Gallais considers himself as a DJ of design. He interprets and mix a broad heritage that brings a new design philosophy.
The “parti pris” of the brand is very clear: it is going back to the essence of a bag, creating beautiful pieces in their appearance, and above all functional and lightweight. The bags are what women and men expect today; ultra-light, with personality, simple, with the best quality materials, although full of secret pockets. These bags are inspired by classic but essential shapes; they are bags to live with, timeless, sophisticated and functional for an everyday use, bags to touch, bags to look at, bags with handmade details, bags for today and for tomorrow.
The bags are 100% made in Spain, in amazing sensual European leathers and other materials.
Today the bags are distributed in over 20 cities worldwide (Paris, Madrid, Brussels, New York, Tokyo etc.) in the most renowned stores.