Enablement Foundation (EF) is a knowledge organisation with expertise on Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and Disability Inclusive Development. It was established in January 2024 in a merging process between Enablement (Ltd) and Cerebral Palsy Africa.
Enablement Foundation honours the past track record of its merging entities and uses CBR as a vehicle for empowerment and improvement of the well-being of adults and children with disabilities, in which:
· Rehabilitation is a fundamental, essential and comprehensive process that needs to take place on individual, family and community level.
· Special focus/attention is invested in children with neuro-developmental disabilities who need more special and specific care and whose families/caregivers need increased resilience and strengthened coping skills.
In all our work we aim to walk the talk on disability-inclusion by investing in down-to-earth CBR programmes. We work with(in) existing community systems; understanding their social dynamics, struggles and gaps in the available services. We support community stakeholders with relevant knowledge, practical skills and competencies so that they can cope better with the disabilities of their children, relatives, clients and/or their own. We implement capacity development through 3 different areas: innovation, service provision, lobby and advocacy. We focus on continuous learning and reflection, through evaluations and action – research.