EHRC is Canada’s most trusted source for objective human resource and market information, with the tools to guide business planning and development for the Canadian electricity industry. We provide a platform for current industry needs, identify ways to make Canadian businesses “best in class,” and forecast industry trends and issues. Our work enables the industry to map workforce supply to demand and to foster growth and innovation in employers and employees. This improves the quality of service industry provides and improves the confidence Canadians have in the industry.
We fulfill our mandate through three key areas:
1. Workplace support for organizations of all sizes: our tools and resources provide guidance for human resources issues like inclusive recruitment, skills development and hiring subsidies.
2. Labour market intelligence: our research goes above and beyond raw data to find solutions for workforce planning.
3. Connecting and convening: we bring industry stakeholders together to connect on issues that affect us all through regular roundtables and working groups.
Our members are employers, unions, associations and educational institutions across the country working together to meet current and future needs for a safety-focused, highly skilled, diverse and productive workforce.
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