Kas teadsid, et Baltimaade suurim spordimuuseum asub Eestis, täpsemalt öeldes Tartus? Spordimuuseumi näol on tegemist atraktiivse elamusmuuseumiga, kus kõikidel spordisõpradel on võimalus ka ise käed külge panna ja end võitjana tunda. Spordimuuseum pakub põnevaid spordiloolisi elamusi nii peredele, gruppidele kui ka üksikkülastajatele.
Did you know that the biggest (and probably the best) sports museum in Baltics is located in Tartu, Estonia? We introduce you to the history of Estonian sports and make sure you have fun while learning about it! We are not "just another museum" - our exclusive historical materials together with exciting and fun hands-on attractions mean visiting us just one time is clearly not enough. So come and see for yourself and let's meet at the Sports and Olympic Museum in Tartu!