ETEBA is a national, non-profit trade association with a mission to help member organizations increase their revenue through government contracting opportunities.
ETEBA Functions
1. Group Advocacy & Representation
• Advocates for issues that influence business opportunities and conditions and provides members the opportunity to participate in the development of public policy positions
• Provides a unified voice to represent the views, issues, capabilities, and concerns of members to other entities, such as safe workplaces for employees
2. Networking Opportunities
• Fosters interaction among members and with outside organizations
• Holds monthly meetings with a networking social and guest speaker.
• Conducts a widely-attended annual ETEBA Conference and holds other special events
3. Information Clearinghouse for Business Issues & Opportunities
• Monitors opportunities in local and external markets to ensure growth and stability of our member companies and enhancement of technical capabilities
• Publishes a quarterly newsletter with a large distribution
• Establishes and supports workshops on business and contracting issues
4. Committed Staff Resources
• Maintains an Executive Director, Administrator, Business Services Manager, and Communications Manager to serve members throughout the country
• Supports committee members who volunteer to participate in a variety of active Committees
• Executes a Scholarship Program for students entering the math, science, computer, and engineering fields
5. Marketing Program
• Provides a World Wide Website with a Member Directory to improve visibility of the association and its members by marketing member products and services
• Seeks opportunities to demonstrate that the diversity of technical talent available among its member companies represents a valuable national resource