Doctors Health Services Pty Ltd (DrHS)
DrHS was formed in April 2015 to establish the first national health program for doctors and medical students in Australia.
The company coordinates the delivery of advisory and referral services to doctors and medical students across the country by state-based providers.
DrHS is a subsidiary of the Australian Medical Association and is funded by the Medical Board of Australia.
Doctors and medical students across Australia can get help and support through our network of doctors’ health advisory and referral services.
Confidential advice and support is available to doctors and medical students on these helplines:
• New South Wales (02) 9437 6552
• Australian Capital Territory 1300 374 377
• Queensland (07) 3833 4352
• South Australia and the Northern Territory (08) 8366 0250
• Victoria 1 300 330 543
• Tasmania 1300 374 377
• Western Australia (08) 9321 3098