Disability Allies is a 501 © 3 non-profit that was founded over five years ago by an individual diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities, IDD. The need to build social connections between young adults with and without IDD led to the creation of our Inclusion Center. During the day our Inclusion Center offers a robust curriculum comprised of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, S.T.E.M., Culinary Arts, Life Skills, as well fitness and recreation classes. Our program features training focused on teaching adults with special needs (aged 18 and over) the skills needed to prepare for gainful employment. Our inclusion center continues to host scheduled social events where young adults with and without IDD can meet and connect.
Our senior leadership team has over 54 combined years of experience in the field. Along with our onsite staff we employ an additional over 200 family members to care for their loved ones in their own homes. We promote independence and obtaining a sense of belonging for all our participants as we RACE FOR INCLUSION.
If you are interested in joining Disability Allies please contact us at 732-910-0979 or info@disabilityallies.com Feel free to check out our website for more information at www.disabilityalliesforyou.org