Established in late 2010, The Digital Madhouse team grew quickly by recruiting top talent from around the world. Our mobile and social platforms are proprietary and built to reduce the development time from concept to product realization. Our tools and systems also allow us to be pro active rather than reactive, allowing for agile user scalability and the ability to move quickly when turning strategic decision making into valuable money making content. In Digital Madhouse’s short existence, we have built two fully featured social games, and two mobile games. Our social games' combined usage peaked at over 500K monthly active users and our first iOS application has had over 350k downloads to date with no marketing expenditure. Our seasoned internet marketing and analysis team perfectly complements our games, allowing us to acquire users at minimal to no cost.
Our team is highly effective at rapid game creation whilst retaining high production values, and maintaining a ‘Best in Class’ commitment to quality and innovation.
The Digital Madhouse team has well over a hundred years of combined game industry experience along with multiple award winning games and multi million unit selling products. Our company encompasses management and development level talent that has worked for some of the biggest publishers in the world. This talented group is augmented by highly experienced marketers, business developers and a cutting edge engineering group specializing in online and mobile technology.