D3 represents the combined talents of the "three Duttons - Dale, Donna, and Dusty" as they experience and impact the disability service system -- through the eyes of Dad, Mom, and Daughter (the person served - consumer - client). Allied with parents, consumers, professionals, advocates, providers and friends of system change for self-direction and self-determination, they are known at the national, state, regional, county and local levels as working with and for all people with developmental disabilities. Their experience ranges from the grassroots (inside the consumer/family level) to the systems (outside the family) level. They bring first-hand experience in service provision techniques, organizational development and culture - all with an optimistic look into the future.
Dale has experienced the field at the system, provider and family levels, while seeking those elusive quality standards and measures. Donna, a retired teacher, has expertise in non-profit organizational development and assistive technology. Dusty currently enjoys Supported Living and Community Integration supports, and is developing her own microenterprise, with help from her family and support agency.