Cultural Committee, IIM Kashipur

Cultural Committee, IIM Kashipur specializes in Education Administration Programs with 2 employees
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About Cultural Committee, IIM Kashipur
Diversity in culture and propensity towards cultural endeavours ensures a complete learning arc and instils the ability to go beyond the deliverables of the course. It is the culture of freedom, of brotherhood, of camaraderie in the face of insurmountable distances of cultural diversity that we try to develop and maintain as the Cultural Committee of IIM Kashipur. Boasting a wide range of cultural events that inculcate competition, spur engagement and contribute to the overall development, the Cultural Committee was formed with this very intention. To make sure that the students get a complete personality development here in IIM Kashipur, the events we host here are as diverse as the motley band of people from diverse backgrounds and cultures that you will find in this college. From various get-togethers, celebrating the different cultures of our great nation to the intensely competitive cultural chapter of the Section Wars, Kacofonia and the annual fest of IIM Kashipur, Agnitraya, an amalgamation of management, cultural and sports events, the committee organizes many events and makes sure that students participate heavily in everything.
Year Founded
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Education Administration Programs
HQ Location
IIM Kashipur Kashipur, Kashipur, IN
Cultural Committee, IIM Kashipur Location
  • IIM Kashipur Kashipur, Kashipur, IN

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Cultural Committee, IIM Kashipur specializes in the Education Administration Programs field

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Cultural Committee, IIM Kashipur specializes in the Education Administration Programs field