Convention Of States

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The Problem Our nation is in peril. The public widely believes that America is headed in the wrong direction. They believe the future prospects are troubling, not only for this generation but for gen- erations to come. The monstrous federal debt, the power grabs of the federal courts, and the escalating power of an irresponsble centralized government could ultimately result in the financial ruin of generations of Americans. The Solution Our current situation is precisely what the Founders feared. They knew the federal government might one day become drunk with power, so they gave us a solution in Article V of the U.S. Constitution. Article V says that upon successful ‘application’ by 34 states, the states can convene a Convention of States to propose constitutional amendments. Under the Convention of States Project resolution, these amendments would be limited to imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government, limiting the power of the federal government, and mandating term limits. This would allow proposed amendments that limit executive orders, federal spending and taxation, and terms of office for Congress and the Supreme Court. What kind of amendments would you propose? These amendments only become part of the Constitution after they are ratified by 38 states, rendering the “runaway convention” objection virtually unthinkable. When 38 states agree on something, it’s not a runaway — it’s a mandate! The Strategy The Convention of States Project is recruiting and mobilizing a permanent army of trained political activists in 3,000 state house and legislative districts across the country. These district captains will each recruit 100 people, who will call or write their state legislators, voicing their support for a Convention of States. In other words, we have more than a general philosophy; we have a well-organized strategy.
Year Founded
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Non-profit Organizations
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Purcellville, Virginia, US
  • Purcellville, Virginia, US

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