Accelerating access to gene therapy for ultra-rare genetic disorders.
Since the discovery and development of new, innovative genetic medicines focus mainly on larger patient populations, we make sure that children with ultra-rare genetic conditions are afforded the same level of attention. Recognizing the potential for gene therapy to solve many of the ultra-rare genetic disorders these special children face, we bring our network of scientific experts, technology resources, and affordable manufacturing capacity to expand options with three core areas of focus:
Providing financial support to accelerate the advancement of gene therapy clinical trials for ultra-rare genetic diseases.
Supporting the open-source data model and standard protocols across the broader gene therapy community.
Removing the burden for children and families to access to life-altering clinical trials around the world.
In 2017, through a collaboration between Columbus Venture Partners, Asklepios Biopharmaceutical, and Viralgen, Columbus Children’s Foundation began in Valencia, Spain. We are building a bridge for children with ultra-rare disorders to ensure no child is left behind by standard clinical processes that often only cater to homogenous populations with the highest potential for commercial success. Our chapter in Spain still operates as Fundación Columbus in Valencia. The US-based Columbus Children’s Foundation was started in 2018 and operates in Chapel Hill, NC with collaborations throughout the US and abroad.
Philanthropic Fundraising Services
HQ Location
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514, US
Gene therapy developmentClinical trial accelerationAffordable manufacturing capacityOpen-source data model implementationSupport for ultra-rare genetic disorders
Gene therapy clinical trials supportOpen-source data model supportAccess to life-altering clinical trials
gene therapyrare diseaserare diseaseschope