The Centre for Non Violence draws on 30 years of frontline experience to deliver practical and effective solutions that are individualised to every woman and child with a culture of respect and non-judgmental support.
Our Client Services Division delivers a range of programs to the community including domestic violence outreach services for women and children experiencing family violence and/or homelessness; counselling for women and children experiencing family violence; young women’s housing programs; programs for men who use violence towards family members including men’s behaviour change, enhanced intake and case management.
Our Prevention and Development division undertakes a range of projects and programs which support organisational workforce capacity building with a key focus on training, community education, research and evaluation, advocacy and primary prevention in practice. CNV also auspices the Loddon Principal Strategic Advisor and the Loddon Mallee Homelessness Network Coordinator, including the Children’s Resource Program Coordinator.
CNV is active in local, regional, statewide, national and international networks and collaborations focused on responding to and ending violence against women and working towards gender equality.
CNV's head office is based in Bendigo and we have 3 regional offices in Maryborough, Echuca and Kyneton, as well as visiting other locations across the Loddon Region.