The Central SC Alliance was founded in 1994 and is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit public/private partnership which engages in the recruitment of capital investment and job to the #HeartofSC. The #CentralSCRegion has become home to some of the country's most notable employers as well as an attractive satellite for prominent international firms.
CSCA represents the capital city of Columbia and eight counties in the heart of South Carolina: Calhoun, Clarendon, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg and Richland.
Visit us online at You can also follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter (@Central_SC) for regular updates.
Non-profit Organizations
HQ Location
1201 Main Street, Suite 100
Columbia, SC 29201, US
Main Products
Consulting Service: Executive Placement & SearchConsulting Service: Executive Placement & Search - Serving South Carolina
Economic developmentBusiness recruitmentPublic-private partnerships
Economic Development ResearchMarketingEconomic Development ConsultingProduct Development