CatholicCare NT is a not-for-profit organisation, providing counselling services and programs to individuals, couples, families, children groups, schools and agencies across the Northern Territory.
We provide counselling and other support services in Darwin, Katherine, Alice Springs, Tennant Creek, APY Lands, Daly River, Palmerston, Tiwi and Wadeye.
CatholicCare NT is a social services agency of the Catholic Diocese of Darwin. And, is a member of Catholic Social Services Australia (CSSA), a national body representing the Catholic social services sector.
Funding for our services is provided by both the Australian and Northern Territory governments.
CatholicCare NT has been accredited by the Quality Improvement Council for meeting relevant community service standards. Reviewed every three years, accreditation will help CatholicCare NT continue to deliver quality client centered services at a recognised national level.