Carlingford High School

Carlingford High School specializes in Education Administration Programs with 51 employees
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About Carlingford High School
At Carlingford High School, we are committed to delivering a quality education in a safe and caring, co-educational environment. Our aim is to develop considerate and responsible individuals who can learn and act independently to achieve personal excellence. We consistently reinforce high expectations and our core values of co-operation, achievement, respect, learning and ownership. Our outstanding co-curricular and extra curricular programs, particularly in music, dance, drama, debating and sport also provide tremendous opportunities for student growth and involvement outside the classroom. Our teaching staff are a dedicated and caring group of professionals who bring their expertise and energy to engaging and inspiring students to learn and achieve. A strong focus on quality teaching and rigorous literacy and numeracy programs underpin high expectations for academic effort and the achievement of personal bests. With a demonstrated capacity to provide a robust infrastructure of technology and IT support, our school has a clear focus on 21st Century learners and 21st Century learning. Carlingford High is situated on a large 12 hectare site with excellent teaching facilities complemented by specialist rooms, expansive playing fields and recreational spaces. Please take the time to tour our website and further explore the wonderful opportunities Carlingford High School has to offer your son or daughter.
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Education Administration Programs
HQ Location
North Rocks Rd, Carlingford NSW 2118 AU,NSW,Sydney,2118
public school
Carlingford High School Location
  • North Rocks Rd, Carlingford NSW 2118 AU,NSW,Sydney,2118

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