CFI is a public entity born in 2012 through the ban issued bythe MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education & Research) to support the startup of 8 National Technological Clusters.
The Cluster currently involves corporates, SMEs, Universities and R&D Centres, Business Associations, Technological Districts and other key Stakeholders in charge of the Manufacturing Sector and, in particular, the Smart Factory.
The Cluster is coordinated by the OCG (Organo di Coordinamento e Gestione) which is a Board of Representatives of the small, medium and large enterprises, Universities and R&D Centres and of the seven Regional Governments (Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Lombardia, Marche, Piemonte and Puglie) which have already formalized with the MIUR a Frame Agreement addressing the Smart Factory scope. The Cluster issued a Technical Scientific Committee in charge of the definition of the guidelines of the Research & Innovation activities.