Butterfly Dreamer Network is a global network of more than 35 non-governmental organizations. Our vision is to be a resourceful and effective support, to create opportunities and build bridges for young people in the society where they learn, develop and succeed.
Our Mission
Our mission is to educate and inspire individuals for a positive change in society. We foster and promote the personal and professional development of young people using non-formal education and communication.
Our work is driven by a passionate belief that each person has an unique value and ability to positively contribute and we focus on human rights and all the deriving issues and challenges.
Our objectives are to:
• Educate and provide information
• Engage NGOs to work together on issues of common interest
• Empower youth with knowledge and skills
• Encourage positive change in society
• Establish international and local partnerships
Topics of focus:
1. Children & Youth: To identify, promote and implement activities that bring together young people and encourage them to participate in youth activities.
2. Communication & Media: Developing and coordinating international activities between members and the exchange of information; Ensure the availability of and access to youth information enabling youth participation.
3. Education: Identifying, promoting, developing and advocating education policies that correspond to the needs of the society as well as respect the rights and needs of individuals; lobbying and advocating the recognition of the value of non-formal education.
4. Human Rights: Promote tolerance, intercultural dialogue and understanding in order to promote equality in the society.
5. Volunteerism: The adoption and implementation of laws, policies and measures to support, promote and facilitate volunteering by young people; Advocate for the recognition and valuing of the benefits of volunteering, both to the individual and to society.