Brosna Educational Centres CLG is a registered charity (CHY 6329) for the advancement of education and character development in accordance with Christian principles and ideals. Our mission is to provide all-round formation for people of all ages, but especially for the young, to help them develop their talents to the full and use them in the service of society.
These ideals are inspired by the lay Christian spirit fostered by St Josemaría Escriva, and Brosna works with the Prelature of Opus Dei, a Catholic Church institution which he initiated, to help many people, married and single, young and old, to put them into practice in their daily lives.
Brosna is affiliated to the CDYSB and receives support from the NYCI and IYF. All child protection processes and requirements (training, vetting, etc) for Brosna centres are arranged under the auspices of the National Youth Council of Ireland, and are monitored by them.
To achieve these aims Brosna operates educational initiatives around Ireland.
These include accommodation facilities for third-level students (university residences), youth clubs, and adult education centres. Participation in all our activities is open to people of all creeds or none, and from all social and cultural backgrounds.
The target audience for Brosna youth centres is young people from 9-25 years old.
Brosna offers regular educational and practical hands-on activities to enhance and complement the education provided by schools and universities.
An important aspect of the educational nature of Brosna is the prominence given to activities that promote solidarity and awareness towards those in need.