BrainLink Services is a Victorian based charity that is dedicated to improving the quality of life of people affected by Acquired Brain Injuries and Acquired Brain Disorders (ABI/ABD).
BrainLink works to build the capacity of carers and families to deal with daily living challenges and complex behaviour arising from Acquired Brain Injury and Disorder. Some of these conditions include stroke, head injuries, brain tumour and progressive neurological diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Muscular Dystrophy, Motor Neurone disease and Huntington’s disease.
The services BrainLink offer include:
• A first point of call for families at onset of diagnosis;
• Education support programs for carers and families;
• Innovative and flexible respite opportunities;
• Specialised case management for individuals with severe brain disorders/conditions;
• Comprehensive brain injury information;
• A referral service to assist the community in navigating the disability service sector.