Find tranquility, inspiration and soulful spiritual nourishment when you or your group make Bethlehem Centre your home for retreats. Our stunning forest on the lake setting, restful accommodations and homemade comfort
food provide the backdrop for an exceptional experience, with plenty of space and opportunity for personal and group reflection. Bethlehem
Centre is a retreat and conference centre that encourages and supports the expression of beliefs and values about humanity, spirituality,
healing and peace.Bethlehem Centre in Nanaimo, British Columbia, is centrally located on beautiful Vancouver Island. Our location boasts a
picturesque setting at the foot of Mount Benson on the beautiful
shores of Westwood Lake, a Nanaimo landmark. The wooded setting with gardens, a pond and labyrinth will inspire your group and personal reflections.The Bethlehem Centre is pleased to provide you with nutritious meals in an all-you-can-share home-style buffet environment. Our chef and kitchen team take pride in sharing nourishment with our guests, which may include items grown on site in our organic vegetable garden. It is our pleasure to offer you food that is pleasing to your eyes as well as your palate. Rest comfortably in one of our of 44 beds at Bethlehem Centre. Rooms are located in four different areas around the property. A small group
that wants to enjoy their own getaway space could choose to stay at Augusta, and a larger group that wants to feel like they are at their home away from
home might choose to stay in Nazareth. Capernaum is cozy and conveniently located just steps from Shepherd Hall. The Main House rooms are often
reserved for group facilitators or special guests. Occasionally there may be more than one group staying at Bethlehem Centre at the time of your
stay. We make every effort to try to match the accommodation with the needs of your group. At Bethlehem Centre, we take pride in our efforts to
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.