The Bell Pensioners’ Group (BPG) is a not-for-profit organization incorporated in 1995 and advocates on behalf of the more than 30,000 retirees of Bell and their beneficiaries. Its activities are financed solely from membership dues.
The BPG is a founding member of the Canadian Federation of Pensioners, a network of pensioner groups, that together represent 250,000 retirees across Canada.
BPG’s primary objective is to protect the interests of Bell pensioners in maintaining their defined benefit pensions and benefits by:
•educating and informing our members on issues and factors affecting our pension plan
•assisting our members in addressing pension and benefit issues they could not resolve themselves
•understanding the government rules that affect the financial security of our pension plan
•building a working relationship with Bell on pension issues
•building a relationship with government at all levels
•advocating with government for rule changes
•anticipating and responding to initiatives that could affect Bell pensioners
•working with other pensioner groups towards our common goal
•supporting retirees representatives on the Bell Pension Information Committee
Our mission: to be recognized by Bell and government agencies as an effective and influential advocate for pensioners.
To know more about BPG and our chapters, visit And if you’re not already a member, you'll also find an application to join BPG.
Our strength is in our numbers!