ArtPlace America

ArtPlace America specializes in Non-profit Organizations with 2 employees
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About ArtPlace America
ArtPlace America (ArtPlace) is a ten-year collaboration among a number of foundations, federal agencies, and financial institutions that works to position arts and culture as a core sector of comprehensive community planning and development in order to help strengthen the social, physical, and economic fabric of communities. ArtPlace focuses its work on creative placemaking, which describes projects in which art plays an intentional and integrated role in place-based community planning and development. This brings artists, arts organizations, and artistic activity into the suite of placemaking strategies pioneered by Jane Jacobs and her colleagues, who believed that community development must be locally informed, human-centric, and holistic. In practice, this means having arts and culture represented alongside sectors like housing and transportation – with each sector recognized as part of any healthy community; as requiring planning and investment from its community; and as having a responsibility to contribute to its community’s overall future.
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Non-profit Organizations
HQ Location
195 Montague St Brooklyn, New York 11201, US
Creative placemakingCommunity planning and developmentArts integration in community developmentLocally informed community developmentHuman-centric community developmentHolistic community development
ArtPlace America Location
  • 195 Montague St Brooklyn, New York 11201, US

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