Being simultaneously a site of contemplation, research
and intervention, MUZEUM SUSCH opened in January
2019 as a space for debate and research. Founded and
created by Grazyna Kulczyk, the Polish entrepreneur and
long-term supporter of contemporary art, it is speci"cally
(but not exclusively) informed by a deep understanding of
woman artists and seeks an emotional connection to art
as a matrilineage of the sometimes omitted, overlooked
or misread. The museum is housed in an extraordinary
campus located on the site of a 12th-century former
monastery and brewery in Susch, a remote town on the
ancient pilgrim route to Santiago de Compostela in the
Engadin valley of the Swiss Alps. The multi-faceted project
comprises over 1,500 m2 of gallery spaces which
show site-speci"c and permanent artworks, and a regular
program of curated, temporary exhibitions.