The Alliance Française was founded in 1883 in Paris, France. It sponsors chapters in 130 countries around the world. It is a group that was founded to promote French culture and language and provide a way for francophiles and francophones to meet for activities and friendship.
The Alliance Française de Santa Rosa met for the first time in October of 1987 and has been active ever since. The Alliance is a non-profit organisation directed by a Board charged with the administration of programs, recruitment of membership and guardianship of the Alliance funds.
The Alliance Française de Santa Rosa is registered as a non-profit corporation and a member of the Federation of Alliances Française, USA, Inc.
The Alliance Française de Santa Rosa invites you to join other francophiles and francophones of Sonoma County to:
Participate in French cultural and social events
Hear lectures by native French speakers
Practice and/or improve your French speaking skills
Learn French with skilled instructors