Without Water, no life on earth!
Some responsible people act around the planet and yet they are not very visible.
We have decided to highlight their commitment so that other people follow their steps by interviewing them.
These interviews have been assembled in a documentary telling the story of these 'water messangers' and 'AquaHeros' we met during our world tour. We wish to present this film to the general public, and mostly the young generation, but also to different types of organisations to raise awareness on water by showing the beauty and benefits of water, as well as by highlighting the actions for its preservation. The film is shown by universities, schools, foundations, associations, companies and festivals with this water interest. The screening can be followed by moments of exchanges with the public such as conferences, workshops, debates and photos exhibitions, so to make a positive impact on the people and encourage them to act.
The Aquamour Festival in Italy was a first edition to get people to gather around this vital topic. 2023 edition of the Festival in Brittany, Pléneuf/Val-André - May 1st to May 8th - Join the Aquamour community. Caring for the water is vital ! Thanks for your support.