ANSA - Association of Norwegian Students Abroad - is a non-profit and independent organisation voicing the interests of Norwegian students who study abroad. Our aim is to maintain and promote the educational, cultural, political and economic interests of Norwegian students abroad. Currently nearly 20 000 Norwegian students are studying abroad in over 90 countries at over 1200 educational institutions worldwide.
Norway has a long tradition of funding higher education for Norwegian students abroad. The Norwegian government established the loan and grant agency, The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen), for students in 1946. For over 60 years Lånekassen has provided students with both loans and grants to pursue higher education abroad.
ANSA was founded by Norwegian students in 1956. Through the years ANSA has worked to improve and change the countless rules and regulations governing student grants and loans. ANSA believes that all students should have the right to study any subject in any country they wish.