24-7 YouthWork is a trust relationship between a local school and a local church in the context of the local community working together.
We believe in young people. We want to see young people enjoy their high school years and build a great foundation to launch themselves into adult life. We want to see a good strong healthy next generation of New Zealanders coming through.
Young New Zealanders need more time spent with them. They need more listening, more encouraging and more “hanging in there”. More people who can be there for them. It requires an approach based on relationships not programmes. It encompasses role modelling, being accessible to young people and being around to help young people make good choices.
This approach benefits not only individual young people but the communities they are a part of. As we know, great youth work (and education) should fit within and contribute to vibrant, diverse and connected communities.
24-7 YouthWork is a not for profit charitable trust.