RSM China CPA LLP,是一家成立超过30年的专业化、制度化、国际化的大型专业服务机构,是全球排名第六位的会计网络RSM国际在中国内地唯一成员单位,业务涉及股票发行与上市、公司改制、企业重组、资本运作、财务咨询、管理咨询、税务咨询等领域。RSM China先后为200多家A股上市公司提供服务。2019年,容诚协助IPO过会业务量位列全国第三名,A股上市公司客户数量位列全国第五名,其他资本市场主要业绩指标稳居行业前列。在中国注册会计师协会发布的2019年度会计师事务所“百家信息”中,容诚位列全国第十一位,本土品牌事务所第七位。
RSM China CPA LLP is a large nationwide accounting firm of professionalization, institutionalization, and internationalization with over 30 years history, and we are the only member firm of RSM accounting network in mainland China.
Our professional services include securities issuance and listing, corporate restructuring, capital management, financial consulting, management consulting, tax advisory and more.
RSM China has been providing professional services for over 200 A-share listed companies. In 2019, the volume of RSM China’s successful IPO cases ranks at 3rd , and the number of A-share listed clients ranks at 5th in the industry, other major performance indicators of the capital market remain at the top of the industry as well. The national comprehensive ranking of RSM China is 11th as published by CICPA in 2019, and we rank at 7th within local brand.
RSM is a powerful network of audit, tax and consulting experts with offices all over the world. As an integrated team, we share skills, insight and resources, as well as a client-centric approach that’s based on a deep understanding of your business. This is how we empower you to move forward with confidence and realise your full potential. This is The Power of Being Understood.
As the only member firm of RSM in China, we utilize our broad global network and abundant resources in order to dedicate ourselves to providing world-class services and higher-quality customer experience. We apply our service philosophy ‘Domestic Wisdom, Global Vision ‘ consistently to all our services.
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