Physical Commodity Exchange (Phycomex) helps clients optimise their energy information requirements and reduce costs on procurement of energy and financial news, real-time systems as well as ETRMs. Typical clients can expect a reduction of around 20%
With over 10 years commercial experience with Energy Pricing services and over $70M of energy data sold, no one is better placed to optimise your requirements and ensure you get the best value for information procurement.
- Our Strategic Reviews help identify gaps/ opportunities and increase efficiency with staff/ vendor/ system changes as well as major initiatives.
- Data, news, real-time services and systems are optimised to avoid duplication and remove non essential information.
- Impartial advice on the most efficient front, middle and back office systems/ deliver methods based on your requirements.
- We compliment your existing procurement teams and provide guidance on niche areas and/or one off projects. Or act as your outsourced procurement team.
- We'll help you remain complaint with third party terms in a more cost effective way.