The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies was founded by the Swedish Government in 1994. Its mission is to support research, doctoral studies and scientific infrastructure related to the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe at Södertörn University. As a research funder, the Foundation has a distinct profile defined in its Statutes: its geographical area is specified, and its purpose is defined as supporting development of Södertörn University.
The Foundation’s research funding can be divided into two categories. Partly grants that can be applied for by individual researchers or groups of researchers, partly funding that can be granted to Södertörn University after application by the Vice-Chancellor. The Foundation can support its own as well as external initiatives.
Funding for researchers who apply for grants directly from the Foundation consist primarily of support for various types of research projects, but also to create opportunities for cooperation between researchers in networks or at conferences.
The research projects are primarily in the Humanities and Social Sciences, but also within the Natural Sciences, particularly research into environmental issues. All research the Foundation supports must be related to the Baltic Sea Region or Eastern Europe.
All forms of support from the Foundation are open to researchers both in and outside Sweden.