Ahli is an innovative mobile application that through geo-localization, enables Muslims in the same area to quickly plan a meeting and pray in congregation. Our company strives to empower the muslim community worldwide.
Venture description*
Ahli is a mobile application that offers a solution to this pressing issue Muslims around the world face everyday. Through geo-localization, our application enables people in the same area to quickly plan a meeting to meet and pray. Our mobile application is currently being developed for both Android and iOS and is scheduled to launch at the end of September.
Why Ahli?
“Prayer in congregation is superior to prayer alone by twenty seven degrees.”
Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w) [Bukhari & Muslim, from Ibn Umar]
The benefits from praying in jama’a (congregation) are tremendous and varied. It is emphatically recommended to pray every single prayer in congregation. However while many of us already know this, we live in such a fast paced world that praying in congregation is increasingly uncommon. In addition to that, our communities are not as close-knit as they once were and making it to the mosque five times a day is even more rare. This is especially the case in countries where muslims are a minority since time is scarce and mosques are not necessarily on a walking distance. This is what Ahli is here to solve.