Therapists off the High Street, Sports Therapy and Wellness Walk-In Clinic aims to provide affordable, accessible and convenient Sports Therapy to everyone.
What is the Why?
We believe that everyone deserves the right to the highest exceptional standard of Sports Therapy, from sporting injuries to wellness and wellbeing care. Everyone has the right and need to reduce any aches and pains they may have. The way in which to give everyone the opportunity to receive Sports Therapy without the long waits of NHS referrals or the expense of private clinics is to make Sports Therapy accessible and affordable. That is why we provide accessible Sports Therapy at affordable prices for everyone in our Therapists for You on the High Street Walk in Clinic.
The Clinic offers a tapered Therapist structure, Trainees, Graduates and Senior Therapists, allowing for a staggered price range to treatments, to enable clients to select the best suited price for them.