Welcome to Dreamtime Learning, the culmination of educational brilliance meticulously crafted by the visionary Lina Ashar, Founder Emeritus of Billabong High and Kangaroo Kids School, bringing with her three decades of profound educational expertise.
Within Dreamtime Learning, we unfurl a dynamic educational tapestry, comprising four pivotal pillars:
- Dreamtime Learning School: A revolutionary online school for lifelong learners, offering tailored education beyond tradition.
- Dreamtime Learning Hub: A tech-driven micro-school, nurturing individual talents, fostering engagement, and promoting transformative learning.
- Dreamtime Learning Community: Our community-based after-school programs focus on holistic development and essential life skills.
- Powered By Dreamtime Learning: We empower schools with cutting-edge curriculum and technology for a tech-enabled future.
In today's rapidly changing world, we prepare future generations with self-discovery, self-regulation, and self-mastery, tailored to their unique interests.
We are not merely educators; we are visionaries on a mission to reshape the very foundations of education with high-quality, real-world learning experiences that adapt to individual needs. We leverage advanced educational technology to create immersive, engaging, and inclusive learning environments.
Discover the spectrum of Dreamtime Learning's innovative educational offerings, from our online school, to tech-driven micro-school and from community-based after-school programs to B2B preschool solutions.
For deeper insights, explore our Brand Deck: http://tiny.cc/Dreamtime-Learning
For seamless connection and exploration:
- Online School: http://tiny.cc/Dreamtime-Learning
- Hub: https://linktr.ee/dreamtimelearninghub
- Community: https://linktr.ee/Dreamtime_Learning_Community
- PoweredBy: https://linktr.ee/poweredbyDreamtimeLearning
Join Dreamtime Learning on this transformative journey into the future of education.