Gulf Consulting Group is a Doha−based Engineering Consulting Services, founded In 1991 for design practice, Project Supervision and Environmental Studies Founded on the ideas that buildings can serve as a bridge between nature, culture and people, and that inspiring surroundings have a positive effect on people’s lives.
With projects as wide ranging as huts to high rises towers, homes−often for art collectors − to academic, cultural and civic projects, museums and exhibition design, places of worship, creative production, urban design and interior design. GCG Certified as a Grade “A” consultant in all engineering fields i.e. Architecture, Structure, Electromechanical and Green buildings (GSAS).
GCG has aligned with international consulting engineering firms for larger capital works.
GCG is ISO Certified in Quality Management System, Environmental Management System and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, ISO9001 – 2008, ISO14001 - 2004 and OHSAS18001 - 2007 respectively.
GCG is also Certified as Green Provider (GSAS).
GCG provides the following Pre & Post-Contract Engineering Professional Services.
Preliminary Design Stage
Master Programme
Detailed Design Stage
Nominated Subcontractors & Specialist Supply
General supervision
Site Supervision
Post-Contract Quality Surveying
Design and Construct Contracts