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About Zarko Calic
Zarko Calic is Qs Manager at GRAH Automotive in Kneza Milosa Obrenovica 9A
Batocina, Serbia 34227, CS. Previously worked at Grah Automotive as Quality Technologist. GRAH Automotive is a Automotive company in Kneza Milosa Obrenovica 9A
Batocina, Serbia 34227, CS with 11 employees
Zarko Calic Social
Zarko Calic Work
Zarko Calic is the Qs Manager @GRAH Automotive, with experience in Quality Technologist @Grah Automotive
Grah Automotive Serbia has more than 15 years of experience with development and production of automotive LED lights, electronics, wire harnesses and many other high tech electronic parts for automotive industry, small home appliances and industrial equipment. Grah Automotive Serbia employs more than 500 people and it is recognized as a reliable partner for all manufacturing needs.
We are producing PCBAs (electronics) that are used for automotive rear lamps, brake lights, blinkers, sensors, drives, itd, and the wire harnesses for outside and inside mirrors, lighting groups, airbags, sound systems, roof systems, etc.
Our company is producing electronics for more than 4.000.000 pieces of the household appliances sold on yearly level.