South Asian Network is a community-based organization, dedicated to the mission of promoting the health, solidarity and empowerment of South Asian Americans in Southern California. With its office in Artesia’s “Little India,” SAN is one of the oldest South Asian American community-based organizations in the nation.
SAN’s work is organized across three programmatic units. The AWAZ Voices Against Violence unit is committed to the health, safety and empowerment of survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. The Community Health Action Initiative (CHAI) works to ensure access to quality health care services. The Civil Rights Unit focuses on advocacy on issues related to citizenship and civic engagement.
Together with the community, the SAN board and staff have created multilingual, culturally appropriate approaches to community outreach and education, direct service and policy advocacy in the focus areas of public health, violence prevention and intervention, hate crime/discrimination, immigration and civil liberties. Over the past decade, several thousand South Asian Americans in Southern California have participated in one or more of SAN’s diverse activities.