Active Change Foundation
Fuelled by his alarm at witnessing an increase in violent street crime and the growth of gangs within the Walthamstow area, Hanif Qadir knew he had to act. Not wanting idly to sit by and watch the local community get torn apart by rising tensions he founded the Active Change Foundation, a youth leadership organisation. Hanif’s vision back in 2003 was to create a safe space where young people could come and chat about the issues that were troubling them, and where messages of hatred and violence could be challenged. Over the 13 years of operation ACF has evolved, innovated and grown rapidly – click here to see more about our current trustees.
The vibrant Youth Centre in Walthamstow, east London, is the focal point of ACF. It offers a wide range of activities for 12-24-year-olds from the borough of Waltham Forest and the surrounding area. It gives young people somewhere to go, meet their mates, and keeps them out of trouble.
Another important project is ACF’s award-winning Young Leadership Programme. It encourages youngsters to explore and develop subjects that they are passionate about. Throughout the duration of the programme they examine issues of identity and leadership. All these attributes will equip them to become inspirational role models within their community. And the more we have of them, the better.
Of course, none of this can happen without financial support. ACF currently receives money from the Government, but Hanif’s long-term goal is to be less reliant on this. He is appealing to individuals and organisations to donate cash, because ACF needs this to survive. Over the next 15 years Hanif estimates that ACF needs £10 million to maintain and expand the essential work it undertakes in the community.