COMPETE is the Competitiveness and Trade Expansion Program. COMPETE is a regional program that is working to improve trade in East and Central Africa by harmonizing regional trade and transit policies and procedures, developing financial markets, supporting private sector trade associations, developing value chains in staple foods, cotton/textiles, and coffee and building capacity of regional businesses to take advantage of preferential trade opportunities. COMPETE is funded by the US Agency for International Development under the East Africa region.
COMPETE is designed to enhance economic growth and food security in Eastern and Central Africa by stimulating increased trade and competitiveness in both regional and global markets. It builds on the success of two earlier USAID programs, the Regional Agriculture and Trade Expansion (RATES) program and the East and Central African Trade Hub (ECA Hub).
COMPETE works in over 15 countries in East and Central Africa, addressing the constraints and promoting the opportunities available to African companies to increase their competitiveness and trade with the United States and global markets.