Mediterranean Youth Foundation for Development (MYF):
It is the first youth foundation oriented to Mediterranean countries that is established in the Arab Republic of Egypt, led by youth in order to serve youth. This is done through making them participate in social life, especially the youth with fewer opportunities with the aim of strengthening their participation in building youth-friendly communities.
MYF Vision:
We are looking forward to making MYF the largest youth international foundation that has a representation in states that overlook the Mediterranean and neighborhood countries. This is in order to create effective and permanent communication channels and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly the sixteenth and seventeenth ones.
MYF Mission:
We work to enhance the cultural and youth cooperation between countries that overlook the Mediterranean Sea and the neighboring ones through cultural exchange programs with the aim of empowerment, communication and peacebuilding.
MYF Objectives:
-Promoting the cultural cooperation between the Mediterranean and neighborhood countries
-Encouraging the societal initiatives pioneers and providing a suitable environment for them
-Contribution to the achievement and promotion of the fourth, sixteenth and seventeenth SDGs
-Enhancement of youth participation in security and peacebuilding.
-Encouraging the youth with fewer opportunities to participate in social life
-Creation of a dialogue platform and effective communication channel between the Mediterranean youth.
Legal Framework:
MYF has the international accreditation as a Sending and Hosting Organization for volunteers from the European Solidarity Corps, and its accreditation code is FR02-ESC52-015641 – 2019.
It is registed in the European Union with a Pic Number: 902103008. In addition, it is a member in the United Nations Economic and Social Council. It is also registered by the Ministry of Social Solidarity-Egypt under no. 6563 of the year 2019.